IAIAsa Code of Ethics (all members)
Each IAIAsa member subscribes to the following Code of Ethics upon joining the organisation:
A.A member shall carry out his or her professional activities, as far as possible, in accordance with principles of sustainable development and the highest standards of environmental protection.
B.A member shall at all times place the integrity of the natural environment and the health, safety and welfare of the human community above any commitment to sector or private interests.
C.A member shall ensure the incorporation of environmental protection and social or socio-economic impact considerations from the earliest stages of project design or policy development.
D.A member shall not conduct professional activities in a manner involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit, misrepresentation or bias.
E.A member shall not advertise or present the member’s services in a manner that may bring discredit to the profession.
IAIAsa Code of Conduct (any member practicing in a professional capacity in the field of IEM)
Each IAIAsa member practicing in a professional capacity in the field of IEM subscribes to the following Code of Conduct upon joining the organisation:
1.As a member of IAIAsa, the information and services that I provide must be of the highest quality and reliability. I consequently commit myself:
1.To conduct my professional activities with integrity, honesty, and free from any misrepresentation or deliberate bias.
2.To conduct my professional activities only in subject areas in which I have competence through education, training, or experience. I will engage, or participate with, other professionals in subject areas where I am less competent.
3.To take care that my professional activities promote sustainable and equitable actions as well as a holistic approach to impact assessment.
4.To check that all policies, plans, activities, or projects with which I am involved are consistent with all applicable laws, regulations, policies and guidelines.
5.To refuse to provide professional services whenever the professional is required to bias the analysis or omit or distort facts in order to arrive at a predetermined finding or result.
6.To disclose to employers and clients and in all written reports, any personal or financial interest that could reasonably raise concerns as to a possible conflict of interest.
7.To strive to continually improve my professional knowledge and skills and to stay current with new developments in impact assessment and my associated fields of competence.
8.To acknowledge the sources I have used in my analysis and the preparation of reports
2.To uphold the values and ethics of IAIA international
3.Not to bring the name or reputation of IAIAsa into disrepute nor to conduct myself in a manner which threatens to do so
4.To act with honesty and integrity in all my dealings as a member of IAIAsa.
5.To accept that my name may be removed from the list of members of IAIAsa or my membership suspended or such other sanction imposed upon me by such Tribunal should I be found to be in breach of this code by a Tribunal constituted by the IAIAsa National Executive Committee in terms of the IAIAsa Disciplinary Procedure.
Membership of IAIAsa does not constitute proof of competence or the demonstration of expertise in any field of Integrated Environmental Management application. IAIAsa is a voluntary association of practitioners and not a regulatory body in terms of the National Environmental Management Act, Act 107 of 1998 (NEMA). Consultants/Environmental Assessment Practitioners (EAPs) are warned against implying to any prospective client that membership of the Association guarantees legal compliance with the requirements of S13 (1) (a) and (b) of the NEMA Regulations.