
Welcome to IAIAsa

We look forward to your Membership.

Please read through this page then select your membership option below. 

All Membership Categories are obliged to abide by the Code of Ethics and all Professionals are bound by the Code of Conduct.

Full Member
(Professional - 1 Year - 1 March to 28 February)

Full membership comprising two sub-categories:

Professional membership refers to any person whose profession or employment is in the field of IEM or directly related thereto. 

Regular membership refers to any person other than a person qualifying as one of the other categories of membership (have an interest but do not practice professionally in the field of IEM)

Price: R 1030 / 12 months

Young Professional Member
(1 Year - 1 March - 28 February)

Young Professional membership is available to individuals who are within two years of having graduated in the field of IEM or fields directly related thereto and 35 years of age or younger at the time of application.

A Young Professional membership may only be renewed twice after which members are obliged to become a professional or regular member.

Price: R 480 / 12 months

Student - Post Grad
(1 Year - 1 March - 28 February)

Student membership refers to individuals actively engaged in full-time studies, at registered institutions and where the studies are related to the objectives of IAIAsa. 

To qualify for student membership a certified copy of registration and the signed declaration on the application form must be submitted. 

Price: R 150 / 12 months

Student - Under Grad
(1 Year - 1 March - 28 February)

Student membership refers to individuals actively engaged in full-time studies, at registered institutions and where the studies are related to the objectives of IAIAsa. 

To qualify for student membership a certified copy of registration and the signed declaration on the application form must be submitted. 

Price: R 150 / 12 months

Retired Membership
(1 year - 1 March to 28 February)

Retired membership refers to any person no longer employed or practicing professionally and who is over the age of 65 years old. 

To qualify for retired membership a certified Identification Document and the signed declaration on the application from must be submitted.  

Price: R 340 / 12 months

Full Membership
3 Year 2025 - 2028

Pay for three years up front (2025 -2028) and secure all three at current rate (R1030)

(Opportunity available until 30 April of year 1 ie 2025)

Price: R 3090/ 12 months

IAIAsa Membership is available in four categories. (The Young Professional Category was introduced in 2021)

Full membership comprising two sub-categories:

  • Professional membership refers to any person whose profession or employment is in the field of IEM or directly related thereto. Professional Members will be required to sign and will be bound by the IAIAsa Code of Conduct.
  • Regular membership refers to any person other than a person qualifying as one of the other categories of membership (have an interest but do not practice professionally in the field of IEM).

Young Professional Membership Young Professional membership is available to individuals who are within two years of having graduated in the field of IEM or fields directly related thereto (eg graduated in 2021 can apply till 2023), and are 35 years of age or younger at the time of membership application. A Young Professional membership may only be renewed twice after which members are obliged to become a professional or regular member if they renew their membership. Young Professional Members will be required to sign and will be bound by the IAIAsa Code of Conduct.

To qualify for young professional membership, a members ID and a certified copy of the latest qualification must be submitted.

Student membership (comprising two sub-categories Undergrad and Post Grad Students) refers to individuals actively engaged in full-time studies, at registered institutions and where the studies are related to the objectives of IAIAsa. To qualify for student membership a certified copy of registration at a tertiary facility and the signed declaration that you are a full time bona-fide student not practicing professionally in the field of IEM must be submitted.

Retired membership refers to any person no longer employed or practicing professionally and who is over the age of 65 years old. To qualify for retired membership a certified Identification Document and the signed declaration that you are no longer employed or practicing professionally in the field of IEM.

It is mandatory for all categories of membership to accept the code of ethics. In addition, any member practicing in a professional capacity in the field of IEM must sign the Code of Conduct. This includes any member providing a professional pro-bono service.

Membership of IAIAsa does not constitute proof of competence or the demonstration of expertise in any field of IEM application. IAIAsa is a voluntary association of practitioners and not a regulatory body in terms of the National Environmental Management Act (NEMA) Act of 107 of 1998 or any other Act. Consultants/EAPs are warned against implying to any prospective client that membership of the Association guarantees legal compliance with the requirements of S13 (1) (a) and (b) of the NEMA Regulations (as amended), and/or any other legislated requirements for professional registration.

Membership is valid for one year commencing 1 March of each year (or part thereof for new members joining during the year) The IAIAsa financial year is from 1 March to 28 February.

Membership applications will be processed within 14 days of payment (as far as possible) reflecting in the IAIAsa bank account and proof of payment having been provided. Members will receive a confirmation of membership letter within a 14 day period. Please ensure that your Initial/s and Surname appear as the beneficiary reference on payment of membership fees. IAIAsa will not take responsibility for any delay in processing a membership application should payment not be traceable.

Membership fees for the 2025/2026 financial year (1 March 2025 to 28 February 2026) are as follows:

Rebates Only applicable to NEW members joining after the beginning of the financial year.

Group Membership Category

Individual based membership offered at discount to groups making a single payment before end April of the financial year for members from one organisation/department/cost centre

Group 3 – 10 Members

10% discount – all members to complete individual applications and declarations

Group 11+ Members

15% discount – all members to complete individual applications and declarations

Three Year Membership


R3090 Pay for three years up front and secure all three at R1030 (opportunity available until 30 April 2025)

Individual Membership categories

Full year 1 March 2025 – 28 February 2026

  • Full membership (professional/regular) – R1030.00
  • Young Professional membership – R480.00
  • Post Graduate Student membership – R150.00
  • Under Graduate Student membership – R150.00
  • Retired membership – R340.00

¾ year 1 June 2025 – 28 February 2026

  • Full membership (professional/regular) – R772.50

½ year 1 September 2025 – 28 February 2026

  • Full membership (professional/regular) – R515.00
  • Young Professional membership – R240.00
  • Post Graduate Student membership – R75.00
  • Under Graduate Student membership – R75.00
  • Retired membership – R170.00

¼ year 1 December 2025- 28 February 2026

  • Full membership (professional/regular) – R257.50

Please ensure that an Invoice for the correct amount is received prior to making payment and then please take care to pay the exact VAT inclusive amount on the Invoice presented.

Please use your initials and surname as the beneficiary reference when making payment.

Please note:

One can only become a NEW IAIAsa member once in a lifetime. If you have been a member before whether many years ago, through another company, by your maiden name, or as a student and have allowed your membership to lapse then you are considered a RE-JOINING member, and are required to pay the full years membership fee of the year in which you re-join. If you are unsure please be kind enough to enquire with the office before making payment failing which Leanne will adjust your invoice accordingly once your prior membership status has been confirmed.55