Free State Student Branch

Student Branch Chair: Linde van de Jager
Linde is currently an MSc Botany student, investigating pollination biology. He has a keen interest in ecology and human impact on the environment. Upon finishing his MSc he is planning to do a PhD, during which he wants to further our understanding of plant-animal interaction and the importance of maintaining healthy ecosystems. Linde is also interested in climate change and how it will impact ecosystems in the future. He is an enthusiastic and driven person who likes to challenge himself.
Email jcldejager@gmail.com

Student Branch Vice Chair: Anizka Stoltz
Anizka is currently busy with a BSc Honours degree in Soil Science while studying LLB (law) on the side. Once she has obtained her degrees she wants to go into environmental law and possibly become a specialist consultant for especially wetland issues. She is a very motivated person and does not like to back away from a challenge.
Email anizkastolk@yahoo.com

Student Branch Secretary: Clausanne Esterhuizen
Clausanne is an early career academic and currently enrolled as a B.Sc Honours student in plant taxonomy and systematics at the University of the Free State. Her current project is a systematics study of the South African endemic genus Petopentia (Apocynaceae). Taxonomy and systematics is of interest to her because it allows her to study biodiversity on a macro and micro level. She is a hardworking and committed person.
Email clausanne@live.com