IAIAsa Events 2022/2023 Financial Year – Attendance Registers for CPD

The list of Events held in the 2022/2023 financial year is below. If you know that you attended an event you may download the attendance register below per event for submission with your CPD portfolio. 

2022/2023 (Period 1 March 22 to 28 February 2023)

FS-1160922Mapping Risk to RealityAttendance Register 
FS-2011122S24G & Control of Emergency IncidentsAttendance Register 
WC-1260822EIA  In My Climate SoupAttendance Register 
WC-2171122NC Protected Species and Permit ApplicationsAttendance Register 
KZN-1170322Water Use LicenseAttendance Register
KZN-2020822Sustainable Drainage SystemsAttendance Register
KZN-3111122Missing Links in Stakeholder EngagementAttendance Register 
KZN-4070223Environmental Geology Attendance Register 
NW-1030822Effective Public SpeakingAttendance Register 
NW-2311022The impacts of the NEMLA ActAttendance Register 
NW-3101122More Resilient Social AssessmentsAttendance Register 
GP-1210622ESG in MotionAttendance Register 
GP-2070922Human Rights, Gender & Vulnerability Attendance Register 
MPU-1041022Nat Screening Tool & EMI’s Attendance Register 
NAT-1270522IAIAsa 2022 AGMAttendance Register 
NAT-2150322National Mine Closure Strategy Attendance Register 
NAT-3140422National Biodiversity Offsets GuidelineAttendance Register 


The control attendance registers have been submitted to the Registration Authorities (EAPASA and SACNASP) for verifcation purposes.

If your name is not on the attendance register you are looking for, you may have either registered for the event and not logged in or attended, or not have been online for an adequate duration during the event.

CPD is awarded on the basis of time spent on professional development, rather than logging in and out of free events or registering, logging in and putting your computer on mute.  

Please be honest with yourselves. Queries may be lodged with secretariat@iaiasa.co.za but have at least a 10 day turn around.

If you attended the IAIA International Climate Change Symposium and have not recieved your attendance certifcate please email operations@iaiasa.co.za