Government Notice for the revision of the DWS General Authorisation

Government Notice for the revision of the DWS General Authorisation

Dear All

DWS is pleased to announce that the long awaited revision of the section 21 (c) or (i) water uses General Authorisation (GA) has been gazetted on 10 March 2023 for 60 days public comment.

Please distribute as far and wide as possible within your regions and constituencies.

Comments must be forwarded to Dr W Roets as indicated in the gazette. The sec 21 (c) or (i) section starts on page 108.

Kind regards

Wietsche Roets (PhD) Pr.Sci.Nat.
Specialist Scientist
Directorate: Water Abstraction and In-stream Impact
Sub-Directorate: Technical Coordination and Support 

185 Francis Baard Street, Sedibeng Bldg, Room 437A
P/Bag X313, PRETORIA, 0001
Tel +27(0)12 336 6510 
Cell +27(0)82 604 7730