A Unique Field Guide: Freshwater Macroinvertebrates of Southern Africa

A Field Guide to the Freshwater Macroinvertebrates of Southern Africa
by Christian Fry

Jacana Media are excited to share the news of their new book A Field Guide to the Freshwater Macroinvertebrates of Southern Africa by Christian Fry.

Fry’s latest book features the incredible variation and beauty of commonly encountered freshwater macroinvertebrates. They play a critical role in freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems and are under threat from mining, agriculture and climate change.

More information about this title as well as a few pages from the book are available here.


Christian Fry is a registered natural scientist in the field of freshwater ecology. The development of his interest in freshwater systems began in childhood, having grown up on a farm with the Elands River running through it and spending his days fishing.