Revised GA Section 21 (c) or (i) water uses and revised Risk Assessment Matrix

The Director General of the Department of Water & Sanitation, duly authorised in terms of Section 63 of the National Water Act 36 of 1998, has generally authorised all persons or any category of persons to use water in terms of Section 39(1) of the National Water Act 36 of 1998, read together with Section 21(c) or Section 21 (i) subject to the provisions contained in Notice Number 4167 of the Government Gazette 49833 dated 8 December 2023.

DWS has advised that the revised General Authorisation (GA) for section 21 (c) or (i) water uses has been gazetted for implementation effective 8 Dec 2023.

The revised GA and revised Risk Assessment Matrix (RAM) is availalbe for immediate implementation. The RAM will be loaded on eWULAAS and the most updated version will continuously be loaded there for use at the time of application.

Training on the revised GA and RAM will be rolled out in January 2024.

Notice No 4167 of GG 49833 – Revised General Authorisation (GA) for section 21 (c) or (i) water uses

Revised Risk Assement Matrix