Amendment of certain requirements for applications for environmental authorisations for a Renewable Energy Facility

In terms of Government Gazette Notice Number 4143 of 4 December 2023, the Minister of the Department Forestry Fisheries and the Environment requires that a letter of consent from Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd, and or its successor be submitted with an application for environmental authorisation when the development or expansion of renewable energy facility is proposed within a specific radius of main electricity transmission or distribution substation as set out in the schedule.

The amendment to the application procedures is made under sections 24(5)(a) and 24(5)(b)(i) and 44 of the National Environmental Management Act 1998, (Act No 107 of 1998) read with Regulation 10 (b) of the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations 2014, as amended. The procedure is necessary to ensure unrestricted access to main electricity transmission and distribution stations thereby allowing for the realisation of the full economic potential of the investment made.