South African 2021 State of Environment Report Available

The Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE) is pleased to announce the release and availability of the web based South Africa Environment (SAE) 2021 edition. The release of the SAE annual information contributes to the achievement of Goal 6 of the 1997 White Paper on Environmental Management Policy which requires the Department to report periodically and transparently on the state of the South African environment. To this end, the SAE 2021 information provides decision-makers and the South African public in general with the most recent state of environment information.

With this, the SAE 2021 text was compiled using the latest information sourced from state of environment-related reports, scientific research reports, policies and sector plans produced by national and provincial departments, state-owned entities and academia. Please follow this link to access the report 

IAIAsa participates in the SAE 2025 Project Reference Group. if any of our members have any recent reports/information for inclusion in the next annual SAE report 2022 to share please forward advice to