
Call for Nominations to the National Executive Committee 2025/2026

As we near the end of the IAIAsa financial year, we need to get the election process underway for a new National Executive Committee (NEC) to serve the organisation for the following year. The NEC would like to finalise the election process by the end of 2024 calendar year. The

Call for Branch Committee Nominations

The IAIAsa Branch Committees are looking for new committee members to join the Branch Committees from 1 March 2025. The IAIAsa branches are responsible for promoting IAIAsa, interacting with members and fulfilling the objectives of IAIAsa in the designated regions. Who can be nominated? Any IAIAsa member in good standing

Innovating Environmental Law

Exciting news in the legal world: Lawyer Lizette Van Der Walt has launched an innovative app aimed at simplifying environmental law. This user-friendly tool is designed to help individuals and businesses navigate the complexities of environmental regulations, reducing confusion and fostering compliance. Learn more about this groundbreaking initiative and its

South African 2021 State of Environment Report Available

The Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE) is pleased to announce the release and availability of the web based South Africa Environment (SAE) 2021 edition. The release of the SAE annual information contributes to the achievement of Goal 6 of the 1997 White Paper on Environmental Management Policy

ISMP 2018 Mentor Mentee Pairs

2018 ISMP Pairs  Luke Moore – Andrew Jacobs Theuns Duvenhage – Asakile Maxama Babalwa Fatyi – Lynn Madziwanzira Sean O’Beirne – Sibusisiwe Damakude Amber Jackson – Sinesipho Ngamile Dave Cox – Zanele Makhaya


The International Association for Impact Assessment South Africa (IAIAsa) was the sixth country in the world (after the USA, Australia, Brazil, and Canada) to form a local IAIA affiliate, with IAIAsa being formally recognised by the parent body at its mid-year meeting in Mexico in February 1993. The International Association

Call for Comment – Proposed National Guideline on Minimum Information Requirements for Preparing EIA’s for Mining Activities requiring Environmental Authorization

Call for Comment  The Minister of Environmental Affairs has given notice of her intention to publish the National Guidleline on Minimum Infomation Requirements for preparing Environmental Impact Assessments for Mining Activities that require Environmental Authorisation, in terms of Section 24J of the Act.  Members of the public are invited ot submit